Thursday, October 11, 2012

Filly Quest First Draft

Filly Quest

Main Characters
Apple Bloom
Sweetie Belle

Secondary Characters
Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie
Derpy Hooves
Princess Celestia

Cutie Mark Crusader treehouse
Twilight's Library
Ponyville (outside)

"Where do fillies come from?"

Sweetie Belle

Apple Bloom
"I thought you had math homework..."

Scootaloo (defensive)
"I'm doing it! I'm doing it!" (normal) "By the way does this look right to you?"

Apple Bloom
"Looks right to me." (pause) "Why the filly question?"

"I was thinking of the new filly in town."

Sweetie Belle

"Yeah... she is like the smartest pony in school, might even give Twilight a run for her bits on math but... where did she come from? It just kinda went from there..." (pause) "Did your parents ever..."

Sweetie Belle (shy)
"Eerr... it never came up. Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom
"No. Sorry."

SFX Hoof hitting floor in a firm clop

Apple Bloom (determined)
"Why dont we ask Twilight! She must have alot of books on foals!"

Sweetie Belle
"Great idea!"

Scootaloo (bold)
"Cutie Mark Crusaders Challengers of the unknown are go!"

All Three (cheer)
"Yay!" SFX Hoof up x3

SFX Transition musical sting (moving from location to location)
Location - Twilight's Library

Twilight (dumbstruck)
'"B-B-Books on... wh-wh-what?"

All 3 CMCs (loud)
"Where do fillies come from!"

Twilight (know it all)
"Oh! That's what you want!"

SFX rewinding tape sound effect

Twilight "Can I help you?"

Apple Bloom (loud)
"Twilight! We need a book on making fillies!"

SFX Donkey braying
SFX Fastforwarding tape sound effect

"Here we go!" (nervous laughter) "The Young Pony section."

Sweetie Belle
"The young pony section?"

"I have a few books helpful for fillies and colts when anticipating the arrival of a new family member..."

SFX Magic (levitation) (*) - Large illustrated young pony books being dropped onto table for reading. 

"Special Delivery..." (*) "...A Foal's Tale..." (*) "...My little brother or sister..." (*) "and Mommy's Surprise." (*) "These should help."

SFX Fastforwarding sound effect

Twilight (loud)
"These are no help whatsoever!"

"The Postal Service delivers foals..."

"Uh, Twilight? What are you doing..."

Twilight (upset)
"Princess Celestia delivers foals across Equestria once every season?!? That is so unbelievable! Who'd believe such a lie!"

"Isnt that the same as believing she raises the sun?"

Twilight (shock)
"(Gasp!)" (Indignant) "She does too raise the sun!"

"Once a year."

Twilight (uptight)
"Are you saying my entire purpose in life is a lie!?"

Spike (deadpan)
"No, really, what are you doing Twilight."

Sweetie Belle
"Apple Bloom?" Do you harvest fillies from an orchard?"

Apple Bloom (awkward)
"Uh... nooooo... does Rarity sew foals out of silk, fabric and gems?"

Sweetie Belle (ill)
"Why are we reading these again..."

Twilight (angry)
"Spike! Pack these up! We're mailing them back to the book store for a refund!"

SFX Closing and picking up books

"Why dont you tell them what your parents said about it."

SFX Walking

"I only asked my BBBFF about where fillies came from!"

"Bee Bee F what?"

Apple Bloom
"Big Brother Best Friend Forever..." (deadpan) "Uh, hello? Big Macintosh...? My BBBFF?"


"So what did Shining Armor say about it?"

Twilight (nggghh)

SFX Grandfather clock ticking

Spike (deadpan)
"Seriously? You have to think ab---"

SFX Explosion

Twilight (loud)
"Spike! Take a letter!"

Spike (deadpan)
"Dear Shining Armor where do fillies come from, your sister Twilight Sparkle?"

"...yes please..."

Spike (irritated)
"Twilight! Why dont you just ask Mrs Cake where fillies and..."

Twilight (interrupt while Spike is talking) (loud)
"Lets go!"

SFX Magic open door
SFX Running x4
SFX Door slam

"...colts come from since she..." (pause) "That'll do Spike. That'll do..."

SFX Writing

"Dear Princess Celestia..."

Scene Transition sting Outside of Sugarcube Corner

Sweetie Belle (exasperated)
"That certainly went well."

"We did get free cookies though."

SFX Magic (levitation)

"Nnghh..." (eating cookie)

Pinkie Pie (cheery)
"Hi Twilight how are you whats up nice day huh are you ok why did Mrs Cake said you might have to be banned from sugarcube corner for a month?"

Twilight (resigned)
"Well... its kinda like this..."

SFX Rewinding tape noise

Pinkie Pie (excited)
"Wait wait wait!"

SFX Rewinding stops


Pinkie Pie (excited)
"Could you start with whatever you said to Derpy between scenes?"

Twilight (confused)

Scootaloo (resigned)
"I got this one."

SFX Rewinding sound

Derpy (confused)
"Uh... I'm done for the day...?"

"Did you deliver any foals today?"

Derpy (confused)
"I dont think so... foals wouldn't fit in my mailbags..."

"Where do foals come from?"

Derpy (confused)
"...wh-wh-what? Why would I..."

"Your eyes. You look like you know where fillies come from!"

Derpy (confused)
"I do...?" (nnghh)

SFX Digital ticking

Apple Bloom
"What is she doing?"

"She's thinking... I think."

Sweetie Belle

SFX Rooster crowing

Derpy screams for several seconds, wings flapping furiously. Flies off.

"So... think that was a yes?"

Fast forwarding sound. Inside Sugarcube Corner

Twilight (upset)
"You know where fillies come from, dont you?!? My b-books failed me, but you wont fail me, right?!? Right???"

SFX Fast forwarding sound Same location

Derpy (happy)

Pinkie Pie (happy)
"Your usual Free Muffin Weekend batch coming right up!"

Fastforwarding sound

Twilight (deadpan)
"...Pinkie... what was that..."

Pinkie Pie (cheery)
"Sorry. I thought I'd just explain why Derpy panic'd... what that has to do with where fillies come from though..."

Twilight (deadpan)
"Let"s go ask Rarity."

Sweetie Belle
"Can't. She's in Fillydelphia on boutique business."

Twilight (deadpan)
"Like I said let's go and ask Applejack."

"And that's how Twilight found out how fillies are made."

Location Outside Twilight's Library

The Doctor
"So how long has Princess Celestia and..."

"Applejack. About an hour..."

SFX Door opens

"How is Twilight...?"

"She's aok sugar cube. Once we had the talk everything fixed itself right as rain... now I just have to explain it again to the fillies... without the details... see ya around."

"Good luck."

Twilight (cheerful)
"Whose up for dinner out!"

Doctor (happy)
"Well your in positive spirits!"

Twilight (pleased)
"Yes! Yes I am! I rid my library of faulty books, learned something new, and best of all I now know that ponies and dragons can create alot together, but foals isnt one of them! Lets go!"

SFX walking

Spike (deadpan)
"What the heck was that supposed to mean."

"Sometimes ignorance is bliss."


Twilight (loud)
"Are you two...?"

"On our way Twilight."

"On our way?"

"You tell her your com--"

"Forget I asked."


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