Sunday, June 16, 2013

WIPS - Twilight Writes A Story

Twilight Writes A Story
Writer - David Rasmussen

The Doctor
Twilight Sparkle
Princess Celestia
Princess Luna
Rising Dawn - Female unicorn, Captain of the Royal Guard

Canterlot Castle

SFX - Running, panting (The Doctor)
Music - Dramatic chase music

Doctor (running)
"Why did I lock the door why did I lock the door!!!" (ngh) "Why didn't I change the auto door signal! I can't snap my hooves!!" (Slamming on door) "Twilight!! Open the door!! Open the door!!" (Rustling through clothes) "Key key key key!!!" (Pounding on door) "Twilight!!! I..."

SFX - Door opens hard, all music stop.

Doctor (stammering)
"Uh... need you... danger... help..." (gulp) "Canterlot Castle, right? I'll get right on it..."

SFX - Doctor walking into TARDIS, few second silence.

Twilight (angry, magic flaring brightly)
"You never seen a unicorn with a writing deadline before?!? The Doctor can't play with you right now!! Go read a book or something constructive!!"

"Actually we're not playing... we're leaving now.'

SFX - Door closes, TARDIS dematerializes. Few second silence.

Dalek subordinate
"What was that..."

Dalek Leader
"Some form of equine."

Dalek Sub
"Should we track them... back to her homeworld... conquer it... or perish in the..."

Dalek Leader
" not want..." (hovers away, followed by sub)

Dalek Sub
"Exterminate the planet of brightly colored pony humans?"

Dalek Leader
"Your ready for the asylum aren't you..."

(Edit - TBD)

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